"Plasma donors help me to stay alive. I am forever grateful."

Sonia, living with CVID

"My name is Sonia, and I am 56. In my twenties I was diagnosed with CVID and have been receiving IVIG and SubQ (subcutaneous) infusions for more than 22 years. Before receiving these life-saving treatments I was very ill with several frequent respiratory infections that compromised my life. Now, I live a very normal life; I am a mother, a wife, and I have a successful career. 

"To raise awareness of primary immunodeficiencies and the importance of plasma donations, I am actively involved in advocacy, education, and patient support. I also frequently visit plasma collection centers to thank the donors. I am grateful for their donations."

Submit your own story!

We want to hear from you! Every person living with a disease that is treatable with plasma protein therapies has a unique story to tell. If you are impacted by one of these diseases, please consider sharing your story. Share your story and a photo in the e-form to show your support of ”How Is Your Day?” We will review your submission and share it on the ”How Is Your Day?” website and via our Facebook and Twitter channels. Together, we can make a difference.
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