"Plasma protein therapies changed my entire life."

Terry, living with CVID

"My name is Terry, and I am 60 years old. I was diagnosed in the early 1990's with CVID, an immune deficiency disease. I was very sick for the first 33 years of my life. I had all kinds of illnesses –  bronchitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, and eye and ear infections. My body doesn’t make antibodies, similar to a diabetic who makes no insulin. When people ask me if I wanted to be a group exercise instructor, I say no. Because I was so ill, it was never in the realm of my imagination. Today, the nurse visits at home once a month for my injection. The rest of the time, I forget I have an illness.

"Without the plasma protein therapy, I wouldn’t be able to have a life. I wouldn’t even be alive. One of my biggest fears is that somehow I would lose access to this medication and be forced to go back into that downwards spiral towards death."

Submit your own story!

We want to hear from you! Every person living with a disease that is treatable with plasma protein therapies has a unique story to tell. If you are impacted by one of these diseases, please consider sharing your story. Share your story and a photo in the e-form to show your support of ”How Is Your Day?” We will review your submission and share it on the ”How Is Your Day?” website and via our Facebook and Twitter channels. Together, we can make a difference.
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