Why is access to all brands of plasma protein therapies important?
Pobierz w formacie PDF10-year survival rate of patients with COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNE DEFICIENCY, by year
- 37%: 1971
- 78%: 1993
- 90%: 2008
Life expectancy of a patient born with HEMOPHILIA, by year
- 1900: 13 years
- 1960: 20 years
- 2017: 77 years
„Biorąc pod uwagę zróżnicowanie tych chorób, bardzo ważne jest zindywidualizowane leczenie, uzależnione od potrzeb pacjenta i oceny lekarza."
„Ograniczanie dostępności leczenia suplementacyjnego w jakikolwiek sposób, zwłaszcza do jednego produktu, jest niedopuszczalne."
„Ponieważ nie wszyscy pacjenci reagują tak samo na te same leki, obowiązkiem koordynującego lekarza jest praca z każdym pacjentem, by określić optymalne leczenie dla danego pacjenta."
Value to the system The economic impact of diagnosing a Primary Immunodeficiency Disease and treating an individual with immunoglobulin therapy represents an average savings of $55,882 per year.
Source: Modell, V., Quinn, J., Ginsberg, G., Gladue, R., Orange, J., & Modell, F. (2017). Modeling strategy to identify patients with primary immunodeficiency utilizing risk management and outcome measurement. Immunologic Research.The rare and chronic diseases treated by plasma protein therapies are often difficult to diagnose, treat, and manage. Accordingly, to ensure the best possible health outcomes for patients, the individuals who rely on plasma protein therapies as part of their lifesaving treatment require medically appropriate access to the specialists who best understand the complexities of their diseases. A relatively select few specialists across the country have developed the enhanced knowledge and experience necessary to effectively treat the rare diseases treated by plasma protein therapies. Therefore, we recommend payer policies that allow individuals with plasma protein deficiencies access to those physicians who have experience treating these rare conditions.
Immune Deficiency Foundation. (2009).